Life is……

Life is…  Sunday afternoon conversations with your best friends,talking about everything and anything

Life is…  fighting with your sisters and locking doors on each other and being forced to talk  in the morning when you have to borrow their umbrella for the rain

Life is… talking to your parents and realizing that no one in the whole world will ever love you like they do

Life is… going through crap and realizing that nobody actually gives a damn

Life is… life breathing what’sapp chats with people you’ve even never met

Life is…  being hit by the rain in the morning on your way to work and there are hardly any taxis but you get one for triple the price and at that moment you could kill for a car

Life is… weddings and dressing up and lots of dessert & wine

Life is…  screwing up and you can’t wait to see how God will work the situation out

Life is…  midnight reveries of lost dreams and wishing you could turn back the hands of time but it’s obviously too late

Life is… going to church,your favorite teacher is teaching and the sermon is tailor made right for you

Life is…  strange bodily pain and reading up on the internet and spending the whole night frightened because a million things could be wrong

Life is…  being utterly scared,worried ,confused and alone but you’re trusting God anyway

Life is… giving up on love because boys are liars

Life is… spending time with your  friends’ babies and your nephew because babies are just magical

Life is…  beautiful Saturday evening life discussions with your life group at a friend’s office and life is having them come to visit if you can’t make it because you’re unwell

Life is… finally doing work that you really enjoy

Life is… visiting your best friend and eating all her food and borrowing all her clothes

Life is… learning to completely trust God because Christ is the only thing that makes sense.IMG-20160925-WA0007


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